We take care of software consulting, installation, setup with your hardware, software training and regular support. Dedicated to the service of growing retail business with warehouse, multiple branch or franchise stores. This software version is available for use as online software as cloud or offline as desktop software. Dedicated cloud service is required to sync data between stores. RetailCore is engineered to scale your business, and can be integrated with eCommerce website and marketplaces websites such as Amazon, Flipkart etc.
Direct Stock Inward
Your branch store or franchise store has an option to buy products directly from supplier.
Questions You May Have (FAQ)
Yes. If your company policy allows to do so then RetailCore HO version can let let selected or all your branch or franchise stores to buy products directly from other suppliers.
Yes. Super admin or user with allowed permission can see all the stock data at branch as well reports on sales.
If provided permission by superadmin then only branch can see each other data. Especially sutiable to see stock availability at other brach to fulfill customer's requirement.
Retailcore Software’s Growing Reach
RetailCore will help you get things done
RetailCore is dedicated to service of the world. We believe growth of retail industry is great for the prosperity of nation. RetailCore is made by retailers for retailers. Software is available as online / cloud version or offline / desktop version. Manage your inventory, sales by multiple channels, qr / barcode, branch stores, e-commerce.