We take care of software consulting, installation, setup with your hardware, software training and regular support. Dedicated to the service of growing retail business with warehouse, multiple branch or franchise stores. This software version is available for use as online software as cloud or offline as desktop software. Dedicated cloud service is required to sync data between stores. RetailCore is engineered to scale your business, and can be integrated with eCommerce website and marketplaces websites such as Amazon, Flipkart etc.

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View software features
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Product with Barcode
Product Damaged/Used
Sale, Stock, PO Data Transfer
RetailCore Cloud Server
Order, Stock, Customer Data Transfer

eCommerce Website
Sale, Stock, PO Data Transfer
Product Damaged/Used


Product Returned by Customer

Customer care is important and RetailCore software works hard to give you easy way to manage services to your customer.

Questions You May Have (FAQ)

Can my customer return product purchased at one of the brachstore to Warehouse?

If you want to allow return in this scenario then we can provide it.

Can I provide product exchange on return?

Yes. With RetailCore you can easily manage product returned by your customer. As per your shop policy you can set valid product return period. You can give cash refund, credit note or product exchange against return. A seprate report on credit note and product returned is also available at RetailCore.

Can I set product return period in your software?

Yes. In company profile / setup section of RetailCore you can set or change valid product return period. Beyond that period software will not allow your employee to take back return. This period set will be applied across your branch and franchise stores.

What is validity of credit note issued to customer?

For credit note you can set in our software validity period. After credit note validity expiry billing screen will not accept credit note as mode of payment by customer.

Credit note issued at one branch store can be used at other branch store?

If your company policy is allow customer to use credit note across branches then we can enable this is our software.

What if my customer has lost bill of product to be returned?

No problem. At Product Return Screen of RetailCore you can either search product by 'product name / code' or 'barcode' and select bill of customer from search result and fulfill return.

Does your software add returned products back to inventory?

All the product returned by customer are by default kept in a buffer known as "Returned Product" in Sales section of software. You can then decide to take this product back in your master stock or to remove it as damanged product.

When customer returns item, can I do product exchange instead of credit note or refund?

Yes. That is possible to do and in this case, credit note is generated and redeemed. In case of difference in amount due to price variation in exchanged product then merchant can choose mode of payment or refund.

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